Cyantific - Drum and Bass :

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1erePlace - Agence spécialiste de la relation presse et du netlinking

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Relation presse et netlinking


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Loin d'un objectif de quantité, notre agence s'engage humainement et éthiquement à vos côtés dans un soucis de qualité et de satisfaction.


Interlocuteur unique

Avoir un interlocuteur unique vous permet d'avancer sereinement et d'être bien accompagné tout au long de vos campagnes.


Une équipe multilingue

Pour vous apporter une expertise poussée sur les marchés étrangers, notre équipe est capable d'échanger dans de très nombreuses langues.

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Plus de 10 000 supports sur 35 pays

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Nom & Prénom du contact


Numéro de téléphone

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Groupe Lavisibilite

22 route de Nanfray

74960 Annecy +33 4 50 11 72 96


Cyantific - Drum and Bass

Cyantific - Drum and Bass
Page web officielle du duo Cyantific. Drum'n'Bass
Our freelance Cyantists hail from the far flung reaches of South-West London. Award winning disk jockey Jon & twisted synth genius Matt have been making harsh tasty beats together since high school and were gathered up into the Hospital fold in summer 2002, after a tip off from High Contrast no less. With a series of 12"s, remixes and compilation appearances helping to build their diehard underground fanbase.

In 2005 they released Don't Follow a storming fast soul classic which featured the vocal talents of the legendary Diane Charlemagne, this brought their sound to a new audience and has remained in the boxes of many A-list d&b jocks ever since.

It was 2006 which saw the release of their Debut LP Ghetto Blaster; an epic album of futuristic beats which won instant plaudits from both fans and critics alike and really marked Cyantific's place in D&B history. Remix work and extensive touring followed, which takes us to 2007 - and the boys are back in their cyance lab (actually a barn in Hampton Wick) working on secret gene-splicing formulas to resurrect the musical spirit of Georgio Moroder and vintage Jonny L within a cutting edge jungle framework.

Jon's DJ sets are something to behold too, a fact that was recognised in march 2007 when Cyantific scooped the highly prized Best Breakthrough DJ award from BBC 1Xtra - this man has some serious skills, and he's on a mission to spread the gospel according to Cyantific far and wide. Rumours are rife; that he practices for over 12 hours per day; that he has magic arms and fingers; that he has special communication links to reptilian beings from another planet.

Hospital cannot confirm or deny these rumours.

Expressions enregistrées des moteurs

Expressions enregistrées des moteurs

1) baron half/life/half/light / 3 fois
3) cyantific "u fade away" / 1 fois
2) cyantific hong kong express hospital dub / 2 fois
4) cyantific hong kong express / 1 fois
