High Contrast - Drum and Bass : www.hospitalrecords.com

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High Contrast - Drum and Bass

High Contrast - Drum and Bass
Page web officielle de High Contrast. Drum'n'Bass
The name High Contrast needs no introduction anymore; though when a young Lincoln Barrett signed on the dotted line back in 2000 he was a complete unknown. Signed on the strength of his mini-disc demos, the Welsh wonder has smashed his way through the d+b scene in no time at all.

His debut longplayer True Colours was released on Hospital to massive critical acclaim in June 2002, paving the way for a move onto the outernational DJ circuit and remixer of choice for so many labels inside and outside of the drum+bass community. It was the club sessions and mixing skills that dominated the year since the True Colours - with Lincoln making a name for himself as one of the hottest D&B DJs around.

In autumn 2004 we dropped the massive High Society LP; featuring the anthemic singles Twilights Last Gleaming and Racing Green. The album has already become the stuff of legend, with Knowledge Magazine voting it into there top 3 jungle albums of the last 10 years.

More recently after reaching Drum & Bass superstardom he has releaed mix albums for Fabric and Mixmag and seen his White Stripes remix all over Radio 1. Missy Elliot and Blaze have also come knocking for a Contrast remix and the Worlds dance floors have been blown apart by that Gold Digger booty. New talent Cyantific Q-Project and have all raised the bar in 2006, so now we look forward to Hospital's original boy wonder strutting his new stuff.

2007 & High Contrast is back with the massive new album Tough Guys Don't Dance. Featuring the massive hit singles Everything's Different and If We Ever it has been rocking dancefloors from Cardiff to Cape Town.

"All killer no filler" says IDJ Magazine. Go catch some Contrast and see that they are spot on!

Expressions enregistrées des moteurs

Expressions enregistrées des moteurs

1) high contrast flex / 1 fois
4) high town drum and bass / 1 fois
2) high contrast drum and bass / 1 fois
5) / 1 fois
3) gold digger drum & bass high contrast / 1 fois
